latest the news New report on autism in Sierra Leone We are pleased to share a new report covering: Sierra Leone: autism. This report was produced in response to a query from an asylum professional, and responds to the research questions submitted to us. By making our research more widely available, we hope to contribute to more fair and evidence-based asylum decisions around the world. In case you missed them, last year, we also published reports on the situation of homosexual people in Togo; schizophrenia and autism in Bangladesh, situation of Banyamulenge people in the DRC, homosexual men and their relatives in Kenya, state treatment of alleged gang members in El Salvador, and members of United Democratic Forces of Rwanda and those refusing civic service in Rwanda. If you have used any of these reports, we’d love to hear your feedback so we can understand more about our impact. Please share your thoughts by emailing [email protected] or clicking the button below. Provide feedback Manage Cookie Preferences