On this page, you can download our Pakistan Country of Origin Information (COI) Repository, developed jointly by Asylos and Clifford Chance. This repository contains a list of national, regional and international sources and presents current country information under research headings on the situation of asylum seekers who have come from Afghanistan and are in Pakistan. This initiative started as an emergency response to the crisis in Afghanistan in August 2021.

To download this week’s edition of the report which covers the research period of 1st September 2021 - 31st August 2022, please click below.

 Access the Report

  Pakistan: COI Repository
2 September 2022

The research covers the following chapters:

  • Control of Territory and security situation
  • Leaving and ‘defecting’ from Armed Groups in Afghanistan and evacuating to Pakistan
  • Justice, Law and Order in Pakistan for asylum seekers from Afghanistan
  • Treatment of asylum seekers by public authorities
  • Livelihood of asylum seekers who have evacuated Afghanistan
  • Medical Care
  • Women
  • Children
  • Children separated from their families
  • Persons with Disabilities (stigma, discrimination, harassment, violence)
  • Freedom of Movement
  • Documentation
  • Taliban's Ability to Track Individuals in Pakistan
  • Targeted Groups (such as Political Opposition, Journalists, Lawyers, Human Rights Defenders, Hazara, LGBTI)
  • Treatment of Family Members of those sought by the Taliban

Receive updates by emailing [email protected] who will sign you up to our google group [email protected].


The COI Repository is intended as background reference material for legal representatives and those assisting asylum seekers, to assist in their preparation of the case. The COI Repository should be used as a tool to help identify relevant COI. The information cited in the repository can be considered by decision makers in assessing asylum applications and appeals. Legal representatives are welcome to submit relevant excerpts cited in this document for their specific case to decision makers (including judges) to assist in the determination of an asylum claim or appeal. However, this document should not be submitted directly, in its entirety or in isolation as evidence to decision-makers in asylum applications or appeals.

The information cited in this document is illustrative, but not exhaustive of the information available in the public domain, nor is it determinative of any individual human rights or asylum claim. Submissions should always be complemented by case-specific COI research. While we strive to be as comprehensive as possible, no amount of research can ever provide an exhaustive picture of the situation. It is therefore important to note that the absence of information should not be taken as evidence that an issue, incident or violation does not exist.

We are COI research experts and adhere to strict research principles of providing relevant, objective, transparent, timely and reliable sources material. We therefore include all discoverable relevant information, whether or not supportive of any human rights or asylum claim. It is therefore imperative that legal representatives and those assisting asylum seekers read the whole COI Repository and submit only relevant excerpts cited in this document for their specific case in addition to conducting their own case-specific COI research.

Due to the rapid unfolding of events in Afghanistan and the increased media interest during August 2021, as well as internal organisational matters, it was agreed that research would only start on 1st September 2021. Therefore, sources published in August 2021 have not been included.


We are looking for advisors and legal representatives who have utilised this report. If you would like to provide feedback please fill out this form or email [email protected].

If you would like to suggest additional research areas or sources to include that would assist you in supporting your clients, please do share them with us by emailing the address above so that others can benefit from them too.

Are you an Afghan citizen in need of advice, or supporting one?

Asylos does not provide legal or other advice to individuals at risk. However, there are other organisations who specialise in this. We encourage you to make use of the following resources:

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