latest the news Asylos awarded grant from the Foundation Open Society Institute Asylos is very pleased to announce the award of a 15-month grant from the Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI) in cooperation with the OSIFE of the Open Society Foundations. With this generous new funding, we will produce more case-specific research reports to expand our database of reports, strengthen our research methodology, ensure that more individuals have access to the reports, and raise additional funds for our work. The Open Society Initiative for Europe focuses on building a Europe that is more inclusive and more democratic. Since 1984, it has worked across Europe to challenge racially discriminatory practices, including in policing, through research and advocacy and through litigation before both national courts and the European Court of Human Rights. We are enormously grateful for FOSI's generous support and excited about taking the next steps towards ensuring that asylum decisions are made on the basis of solid evidence. You can join the Open Society Foundations in supporting Asylos' work and giving refugees a voice in the justice system by making a donation below. Please select a donation amount (required) £150 assists four asylum seekers with research to support their asylum claims £50 trains and onboards one new volunteer researcher £5 funds outreach to direct one vulnerable person to our services Other Set up a regular payment Donate Manage Cookie Preferences