our services published/project work Lebanon: Stateless Palestinians On this page you can download our report Lebanon: Stateless Palestinians, produced by Asylos and kindly funded by the Trust for London. Our report combines relevant and timely publicly available material with new information generated through interviews or written correspondence with five individuals with authoritative knowledge on the topic. Together these sources paint a troubling picture of the situation for stateless and undocumented Palestinians in Lebanon. Sources highlight the various forms and layers of discrimination perpetrated by state actors as well as within communities and families. This includes their rights as stateless persons, which are set out in international agreements; notably, Lebanon is not a party to international treaties that define and require states to provide protection to refugees who are stateless or to stateless persons, in addition to lacking domestic legislation that ensures protection for those who are stateless, at risk of becoming stateless, or vulnerable to outcomes similar to those of stateless persons. We hope that the report will help fill the gap in the COI literature and thus contribute to a more transparent and informed debate about the topic. Access the Report Lebanon: Stateless Palestinians March 2023 DOWNLOAD THE REPORT Manage Cookie Preferences